13 August 2006

Opposite ends of the spectrum

Life is a bit strange at the moment. While we're revelling in the wonder that is our new baby, we're also watching my grandmother's health deteriorate.

About a month ago, she had a major stroke. She's been in hospital, and my grandfather has been spending every day by her side trying to make sense of what she says. Not all of what she says is based in the here and now, and hearing her grieve for her youth as though she has just lost it is heartbreaking. Just as upsetting are her lucid moments - she remembers who we are and it frustrates her at the same time as causing her real pain that she can't hold my daughter or play with her the way she could just a few weeks ago.

The thing that hurts me the most is that my daughter's birth had given my grandparents hope and a future to look towards for the first time in years, and it feels as though it has been cruelly snatched away.

My grandmother is not at immediate risk of dying - my grandfather is altering their house for when she comes home - but it's a stark reminder that things don't stay the same, and it feels like a cruel juxtaposition to such a happy time in our lives.

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