31 October 2006


A non-baby related post for a change, but something else that I love. I love playing games. I'm not talking about hide-and-seek and the like, but the lovely shiny digital variety on games consoles.

I got into gaming at university. It was the N64 era, when GoldenEye (the game of the film) was out. A flatmate of mine played and I was hooked. Even better, he had Mario Kart and I ended up playing several times a week (or at least whenever I could get a look in). I loved it so much that I convinced myself that what I really needed was a reward for all my hard work after my finals (yeah, right) and I bought my very first console.

It was great - how realistic they looked back then! (How bad they look now!) As I moved into my postgraduate year, gaming became an even bigger part of my life as I owned my first PC and was able to add PC gaming to the N64. Interestingly, there were 6 of us living together in my 4th year and it was the 2 girls who owned the games consoles (not that you'd have known from the time the boys spent on them).

I left uni and went to work, but I still loved video games. I was always looking forward to the new releases, and was very excited about the next generation of consoles.

Around this time I met N, appropriately enough, online. We were both hugely un-confident in social situations, but the internet let us be honest with each other in a way we would never have dared in real life. When we met, gaming was one of the few things we actually had (and indeed, have) in common. I enjoyed being taken seriously when I talked about games, and N loved having a girlfriend who was quite happy for him to geek it up! (I think he still quite likes that, actually :-) )

Video games consoles have moved on yet again since I first started playing and I'm still hooked. We still own one of every console (going back as far as the Dreamcast and the NES for those who know/care) and I'm really excited about the release of the new consoles and interested how the HD/Blu-Ray battle will go.

Channel Five's "Gadget Show" had exclusive access to the PS3 and the Wii, and seeing the reviewer, Jason, get as excited over the consoles as I feel was fantastic. He's written a full review here (although as I type this the link is down).

I'm most looking forward to the Wii - I love the idea and the innovation and most of all the attitude behind its development. I also think that Sony are shooting themselves in the foot by a) delaying PS3 launch in Europe and then b) charging £400 a pop. £400?!! Who are they kidding?! That's without the games, extra controllers, and the rip-off downloadable content that they have created (you won't be able to play some games fully without buying extras from them).

Nonetheless, I still love my gaming. I could post forever on its pros and cons, why Microsoft have won me round and why I secretly love the frustration of a difficult jump or challenging puzzle; but I won't. That kind of disussion is best after a good dinner and most of the way through a nice bottle of red. I am however intensely relieved (as I know is N) that our daughter's arrival hasn't stopped our gaming - who knows, maybe she'll join in one day - and I hope that N & I manage to keep gaming together well into our old age!


Anonymous said...

Nooo - don't fall for microsoft. Ninty rules.

Don't know how the Wii will pan out, but N64 is glorious for night feeds. Get a wave bird cordless controller, leave N64 running with TV remote and controller under your pillow. Then when the baby wakes up, feed him by the gentle glow of the TV (not too bright, see). Turn based games are good (Pokemon.. gone blank on what else I played.. it'll come back to me)... or really relaxed things like animal crossing. So long as you can leave it and come back to it without penalty. Kept me awake tiuoand chilled - andgave illumination.

My hubby used to sometimes let the babe sleep on his chest to give me a longer period of unbroken sleep... he'd do Zelda marathons (I prefered him to stay awake so bub didn't roll off).

Happy memories. Ninty and gameboy are essential parenting accessories.


Olimite said...

See, I like Mario Party (very turn-based!) but waiting for the others to make their moves just annoys me (I'm sooo impatient!).

I'm really getting into Chibi-Robo at the mo as well. It's silly, but fun.

Anonymous said...

Pikmin is very charming - and excellently designed. Not strictly turns based - but I find it works if you're not too proud to hit reset.
